Rich are not important for us. The most important for us is to achieve Financial Freedom status. If we achieve this status we are free to do with our money. We have no debt to worry. To achieve this status is only two way - to get more money and to control our money. We can get money through our salary, business, get money online, forex, etc. To control our money, we need to make Financial Planning. If we don't know how to plan, we need to ask advise from CFP'

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Second Appointment

My second appontment had with CFP had done on 19th April. Appointment time is on 6.00 pm, but as 1st appontment it had delayed until 7.10 pm due to person before me not finish yet his discussion with CFP. My meeting with CFP is finish around 8.00 pm (about 50 minutes). This time I go together with my wife.

During this appontment, there are some updates of data given before. Credit card debt amount was increase from RM6372 to RM7922 (increase RM1550). No more monthly payment of ASB loan, ASB loan already terminate. Public Mutual unit trust already sold. My target to have new car also changed. Last time I plan to have Toyota Harrier, but I changed it to Toyota Wish.

I decide to change to this car is because I need to change to cheaper car and my life also not suit with me. What I mean by not suit with me is I stayed in low cost house and all neighbour also in low cost house and all neighbour is not use the expensive car. Even I choose Toyota Wish also still expensive compare with neighbour, the gap of price is reducing. Recon car of Toyota Harrier is about RM190K to RM230K, but Toyota Wish recon is about RM110K to RM135K for model '03 or '04. The other reason is in my work area there are seldom people only drive expensive car and they are almost manager level. Toyota Wish also still categorized as expensive car.

After restructure of my asset, debt and income, action to be taken are,
1. Must make CMS for balance budget
2. Salary(after deduct BRakyat PL)+other(RO machine) bank in to OD1 account on 26 April
3. Buy Toyota Wish(Recon) and take Max loan (RM125K), 9 yrs and 2.5% int.
4. Buy Myvi for wife and Trade in Satria (Max repayment is RM450) - Cancell
5. Buy Freezer RM15oo, take cash from OD1
6. Pay House loan and computer EZ payment 3 days b4 due date (use cheque)
7. Take cash RM2K from OD1 on 26/4 for daily expence until 25/5 (one month)
8. Take cash RM2.6K form OD1 to put in wife's ASB on 29/4
9. Issue cheque to put in OD1 (RM11K from citibank and RM9K from OCBC) - Done
10. After citibank and OCBC cheque clear, withdraw RM20K and buy ASB(certificate form) and make OD2.

Item no.2 I cancell after discuss with my wife due to we still have old car and we need to make more saving. May be later after all run in smooth condition I will proceed with this action. Our main target is to have better house around RM300K.



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